In order for a community theatre to succeed, it needs many volunteers besides its officers. We have been lucky to have good people performing many duties. However, more help is always desperately needed. PLEASE VOLUNTEER! Sign up for an OLT Membership to get started today!
The following list includes some of the many jobs that our members are responsible for:
Costumes – We need folks who sew, folks who organize costumes, as well as folks to act as dressers helping with costume changes during the show.
Writers – These folks may write bios for programs in addition to writing publicity articles for the paper
Graphic Design – Posters, program covers, and other publicity
Membership – Someone to organize membership drives and keep membership records
Technical – Sound and lighting
Concessions – We need both folks to work the concession stand as well as an individual willing to take charge of scheduling and ordering.
Programs – Organize, layout, print, and assemble programs. We need both a person in charge as well as those providing labor.
Box Office – We need people to work the door as well as a leader willing to organize the volunteers and keep track of the money and attendance.
Advertising – This person prepares media ads as well as program ads.
Play Selection – Volunteers to review shows for possible production