Ouachita Little Theatre announces auditions for a fresh summer comedy showcasing our student population ranging in age from 8th grade to college undergraduates. Jered Biard is directing “Monty Python’s Edukational Show” which is a musical comedy comprised of a collection of skits, songs, and videos from the popular comedy troupe. He is seeking approximately 15 actors who are at least in 8th grade up through college undergraduate students to portray a variety of roles. Both males and females are needed!
Auditions will be held at the OLT:
- Thursday, May 26th from 6-8 PM
- Saturday, May 28th from 9 AM -12 PM
Audition tips from the director:
- Research the play online. It will help you know exactly what the directors are looking for in their cast members.
- This is a comedy with musical touches throughout, yes, but a comedy first and foremost. Comedic timing, physical/body humor, facial expressiveness, and general comfort on stage are going to be huge factors in the casting of this show.
- People auditioning will get a page with some lines (called a side) that they can look at for a little while and then read with expression. Often, this will include reading opposite one or more other potential cast members.
- Please be prepared to sing a song. It need not be a Monty Python song, but something that will showcase your range and voice talent.
- The musical director may ask people to come to the piano and have them match pitches and find out their range.
- There is also a form to fill out to get your information. Depending on how many people are there at the same time, it should take about 30 minutes. Any of those elements could happen in any order.
- It is important to see each person’s acting and singing skills.
Show dates will be July 29-31 and August 5-7.